Sir Henry Parkes
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Sir Henry Parkes - 1815-1896 ’The Father of Federation' Born in England on 27th May 1815 Arrived in Australia in 1839 Elected to New South Wales Parliament in 1854 Premier of New South Wales 5 times In 1889, he made a famous speech (Tenterfield address) in which he called for a convention of leading men to meet to discuss how a national government could be formed for Australia Presided over first Federal Convention in 1891 Established political directions for the new country Poet and writer Died 27th April 1896, four years before his dream of a federated Australia came true
Sir Henry Parkes
In 1891 Alfred Deaken wrote; 'His huge figure, slow step, deliberate glance and carefully brushed-out aureole of white hair combined to present the spectator with a picturesque whole which was not detracted from on closer acquaintance. Movements, gestures, inflexions, attitudes harmonised, not simply because they were intentionally adopted, but because there was in him the substance of the man he dressed himself to apear'.
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